Start karting!
...because Mankind Was Not Meant to be Bored
Karting is an amazing experience for anyone, on any level. Karting provides a venue for enthusiasts with a love of motorsport, and has been enjoyed globally by karters of all ages for over 60-years. There are few motorsports where a driver can enjoy the thrill of reaching speeds from 50mph to over 150mph, only an inch off the ground, in a fun, safe environment. Karting also provides racers with limited budgets, an opportunity to participate in exciting racing events in nearly any corner of the United States of America. The sport also provides life-long benefits, for drivers, families, and individuals, whether participating recreationally, or competitively, or in a competitors capacity or operational role, or on a local scale, Regionally or Nationally. Families have been strengthened and life-long friendships have been bonded solely due to the karting Life.
About WKA
Since 1971, the World Karting Association has provided a venue for racers to enjoy all aspects of Karting in the USA. Providing regulations, instruction and venues for fair and safe karting competition in the USA, WKA has a place for everyone in karting. Whether you want the pure thrill of speed and the competition of racing, or the atmosphere of family and friends, or the ethics of learning to work karting events, WKA and karting are for you!
Recreational Karting
If you’ve hit some hot laps at the indoor karting center or in lapping days at your local kart track - Congratulations! You are now hooked on Karting…and we can help. Most Karters in the USA are recreational karters. They simply love to run laps at tracks in their area. And who can blame them? A recreational karter can run laps in less than half-a-day and still have time for other activities, while still getting their speed fix for the day…any day. To help the recreational Karter, WKA has an extensive list of tracks and kart shop partners, available where recreational karters can take in a Karting school, talk to Karting professionals about product, strategy, pricing and budgets, or just plain Karting fun.
Photo: Courtesy of GoPro Motorplex
Photo courtesy of
Competitive Kart Racing
When it’s time to plunge into racing, WKA can help there too. Don’t ever think you have to race on a national scale to enjoy kart racing; although that is certainly available to the seasoned Karter. Many Karters are thrilled to maintain their Karting passion solely at their local track. Aside from racing, kart tracks have been known to host community events for the whole family to enjoy, and maybe a race that day as well. Racing is one important element of the sport, and WKA has opportunities for drivers to compete at many levels…local, regional, national, or international.
WKA Racing Series links
WKA Has a Place For Everyone
WKA Karting is more than just racing. As a member-owned, non-profit organization, WKA provides structure and atmosphere for you, the Karter, to enjoy the sport. Yes, Karting is participating from the driver’s seat, but it’s also a place for enthusiasts to learn more than just racing. Karting provides opportunity for people to learn event operations, technical specifications, officiating, educational programs, and many other aspects that surround Karting. Entire families get involved in all aspects of Karting. How can you beat that?
From a driver’s standpoint, WKA offers competitive sanctioned events in all forms of karting, from Oval Racing, to Road Racing, to Sprint Racing, at local tracks, regional series, or National Championships….WKA has a place for everyone.
Photo: Shawn Barney of
Photo: Shawn Barney of
Photo courtesy of
Life-long Benefits
And with involvement in Karting on all levels, in all disciplines, Karting has been known to offer life-long lessons for all involved. Drivers learn safety and emergency skills that transfer directly to their safe driving practices on public roads. Event workers learn skills that help them in real-world job skills. Families involved in Karting have frequently been known to say that they would not be as close to their families and friends if it weren’t for their involvement in Karting. Manufacturers have been known to tap into Karting participants to find qualified workers, product developers, and sales professionals, all due to their knowledge of events, sport and products that surround many industries in America.
Most of all, Karting is known for providing the basis of great careers for professional drivers in IndyCar, NASCAR, IMSA and Formula One, such as past WKA participants Danica Patrick, Juan Pablo Montoya, Jamie McMurray, Ryan Hunter-Reay, Scott Dixon or Fernando Alonso.
Start Karting Today!
Getting started in Karting is as easy as visiting your local track or kart shop. Clicking on the list of WKA tracks, or a simple Google search for kart shops near you, can guide you to the foundation of your Karting life. At tracks and shops around the USA there are plenty of people who can give you solid karting information, and would happy to take you under their wing. Most importantly, the WKA Office has a team of helpful, dedicated staff that can guide you to your first karting experience. Reach out to WKA today by visiting the website, by emailing WKA at or by simply calling the WKA office at 704-455-1606.
See you at the track!
Photo: Shawn Barney of