Beginning at the upcoming WKA National Road Race event at Daytona, those competitors who wish to seal their engines so they may be used in multiple race groups during a race day, should insure that they have their engines properly prepared before they arrive at the track to avoid having to drill bolts and fasteners on-site. We will no longer be using paint as a sealing method. Competitors running 2 stroke engines may refer to the procedures on page 95 (section 556) of the new 2016 WKA Techbook. Those running four stroke engines will need to drill one sidecover bolt, one valve cover bolt and one of the carb retainer bolts. (see photo's) As always, all engines will go thru post race tech at the end of each day. There is no engine sealing from day to day. This is just a heads up to avoid having to drill fasteners at the track.